Founder Chairman

Major Gen. (Ret) Abdul Mannan Siddiqui
Major Gen. (Ret) Abdul Mannan Siddiqui, former Home Minister of Bangladesh founded the Phoenix Group of Industries was declared the gem of a person because of his cordial approach towards the people around him. His one of the best friends Major General (Ret) M Atiqur Rahman also stated him as a gem of a friend because of his gentle and friendly behavior. Though it was very difficult for them to interact frequently with each other because of their tight job schedule but they always managed some time to spend together and share their friendship. Late Major Gen. (Ret) Abdul Mannan Siddiqui was a person who can deal with two different responsibilities at a time without any difficulty. He was elected home minister because of his honesty, intelligence, hard work and dedication. He also worked as a food minister as well as home and public work minister for a certain period of time. He did not continue his career as a minister because he was a person beyond politics. As a defense officer he was very expert, active and honest. His personal life always reflected his abilities that he achieved from job career. His political life was very clean and the decisions that he took as a minister were absolutely neutral. For this reason he was also famous among the leaders of opposition parties. Although most of the high ranked defense officers are a bit rude in nature but late Major General (Ret) Abdul Mannan Siddique was very polite with his adorable smiling face. He always leaded his family life like an ordinary Bangladeshi family. His family members are very generous that they got it from him. At last, he was not only a good defense leader or minister but also a very good family person.